Friday, January 13, 2017

Finally got computer back up after a blue screen crisis

Finally got my computer back up after getting the trencherious Blue Screen of Death. I thought well lets reboot the hard way, and it is back up. Wish I still had Cody around to fix these things, but the budget just did not allow it. So for a time we are running with 5 volunteers on air, and me having always to hunt down computer techs, and we're still missing an engineer. Being a broadcast engineer is not like every other kind of nuts and bolts person. It takes a different kind of person that knows yesterday's technology even analog, as well as today's digital tech, and equipment. That's the first hurdle to overcome, not only for my brains relief, but its required by the Federal Communications Commission. Likewise there needs to be at least 5 people on premise at least 12 hours a day. 2 of which knows where all the official files and logs of the station are. Obviously doing this in ones home is no longer an option, so the search is on to find a facility, here in Evanston, to house the station. Again not very easy. The few places that could, wont because of some very limited view of landlords and property managers , but we look.
Of course running the truck, is what brings in the money, but going towing was not my first idea including the Clubs, for me coming to Evanston Wyoming in the first place. That decision, came from a recommendation from a con man who said he had bought our local station here and wanted us to partner with him. Once I got here, that was not even real. The bastard, had been arrested , and its been 2-1/2 years of blood, sweat, and freezing to get the license for the original station. We have only 4 more months to get the station up and running or we'll have to sell the license, and all my work will just go into the toilet. I know; welcome to Evanston. Too bad one can't move a radio station to a more industrious community like say nearby Morgan Utah. Morgan by itself is not a metro area, but one can glean employees and staff from Ogden Utah. I know a dream and mission impossible. 
So hopefully one of my friends that works for Coldwell Banker Realty here in Evanston Wyoming, is looking for a place for the station. To him , I say; I need a place for our radio station as bad as you need that starter replaced on your SUV.
Okay then; a few hours ago, I had to go fetch milk, But oh my Dis, trying to get the General JaXson, out of my parking space here at the Wentworth. After shoveling, cussing and smoking my tires I got out. But couldn't management could do a bit better in the snow removal department. I told our manager here, that it needed to be done, but her higher ups couldn't afford it. Apparently the owners of the Wentworth are bleeding for money. I then told her that Nate or I could get this done, nearly for free, but she said no. What might motivate the owners is someone to sue those owners for a burned out transmission due to getting stuck. How hard would it be to haul in some gravel to aid in traction? Some people just don't think. 
Any mile, I'm beat. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

When will Facebook filter out the crap ads?

Now before I get the business community of Facebook out of joint understand, I know that Facebook and such sites need to make a dollar to stay afloat and its getting tougher out there finding business's with the deep pockets to fuel sustainability. But does Facebook have to run these ads for companies that are so lame or phony that they stink of sweat? I went through about 10 of these ads over the period of a half hour. All from firms that build websites. To my way of thinking once I get things together to build a site the only two which I find the most creative is I4 Solutions out of Woods Cross, Utah and Infogenix out of Orem Utah. For about $4,000.00 either one of those can piece together a worthwhile site, that can get me a return on the investment. Plus in my case if need be I can cruise down and visit them, in person. Website builders from all points east of here as well as Canada, don't have that kind of personal touch. Then of course there's the simple ads on Facebook. We tried to build a site on Facebook for Highway Hooker Toewing. Had it all together , but Facebook refused it because our logo had lettering on it, hey question here Facebook, a logo without lettering is just a picture, not a logo. Get it together, FB engineers. A few hours ago, I was firmly thinking, of downloading all of the groups, that belong to me and the Knytes and AyreWolvez, all the postings, then shit canning Facebook completely. The only reason I don't is simply because nobody has had the canoles to build a social site that is not so restrictive and so nervous about content and that could go head to head with Facebook. 
Maybe tonight I can get some sleep. Now here's one for you. I caught a tow call last night, for a heavy pullout of a snow drift. Normally I would have had my pants on and ready to go. But when I checked the phone number it came back to a gal that lives in Colorado, and I heard the sounds of laughter and clinking of glasses, indicating the caller or requesting party was some jerk trying to get one of our trucks rolling out, for a joke. Or possibly to assault. Which wouldn't do him any good, since under the seat is a 45 cal, that's loaded and its fully automatic, and two an M-16 sitting behind my seat also fully automatic. In this business any more you have to check every caller or your burning money and fuel  for nothing. Next entry; The Facebook trashy groups and pages.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome to Another boring Saturday Night!!


Was an early morning this morning, and I confess, for I did sin. I busted butt today instead of taking the day off and worshipping. I guess I shouldn’t have butt when the one sheep is lost, the wolf must find that lost sheep. In my case got DixieBelle to her new home in Twin Falls. Funny thing, DixieBelle’s new home, is nearly 8 blocks from where I first took possession of her back in 1978. My it feels well nearly déjà, or at least somewhat ironic. Like I reported in my last lawg entry elsewhere, my feet are glued to the ground for a few months, as I need to loose some pounds before I’ll be cleared to fly again, but rather than pout about it, I go tow. Now just need to get my hair trimmed so I don’t look so much like a bumb.

For once I’m involved in something that even the jerks from you all know where can’t mess with it.

Nice thing too, now DixieBelle, has some relatives. In essence mucho back up, two impound yards, and many rigs to help when needed, 5 rollbacks, 3 class 8 hookers, one with a NRC Rotator, If some thought Dixie Towing was dead, was merely drinking from the wrong bottle. The only bad thing that happened today was coming home, this bumble Bee flew up my sleeve stung me in the arm pit, it died of course, but now inner arm all swollen up. So some bag balm, and a good evenings sleep ought to fix it. Am on call tonight to go tow so need to get off line.

See all L8R


Quote of the day:
Humankind cannot stand very much reality. - T. S. Eliot
Deuteronomy 13:4“It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.”

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Welcome to my cyber highway

It ain't twat it used to be.
Things are headed in the right direction, and the best erection of it all. The butt monkeys and simple brains can't mess this one up, nor can folks get their hands on DixieBelle
My how the wolfs tail shakes.