Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome to Another boring Saturday Night!!


Was an early morning this morning, and I confess, for I did sin. I busted butt today instead of taking the day off and worshipping. I guess I shouldn’t have butt when the one sheep is lost, the wolf must find that lost sheep. In my case got DixieBelle to her new home in Twin Falls. Funny thing, DixieBelle’s new home, is nearly 8 blocks from where I first took possession of her back in 1978. My it feels well nearly déjà, or at least somewhat ironic. Like I reported in my last lawg entry elsewhere, my feet are glued to the ground for a few months, as I need to loose some pounds before I’ll be cleared to fly again, but rather than pout about it, I go tow. Now just need to get my hair trimmed so I don’t look so much like a bumb.

For once I’m involved in something that even the jerks from you all know where can’t mess with it.

Nice thing too, now DixieBelle, has some relatives. In essence mucho back up, two impound yards, and many rigs to help when needed, 5 rollbacks, 3 class 8 hookers, one with a NRC Rotator, If some thought Dixie Towing was dead, was merely drinking from the wrong bottle. The only bad thing that happened today was coming home, this bumble Bee flew up my sleeve stung me in the arm pit, it died of course, but now inner arm all swollen up. So some bag balm, and a good evenings sleep ought to fix it. Am on call tonight to go tow so need to get off line.

See all L8R


Quote of the day:
Humankind cannot stand very much reality. - T. S. Eliot
Deuteronomy 13:4“It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.”

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