Of course running the truck, is what brings in the money, but going towing was not my first idea including the Clubs, for me coming to Evanston Wyoming in the first place. That decision, came from a recommendation from a con man who said he had bought our local station here and wanted us to partner with him. Once I got here, that was not even real. The bastard, had been arrested , and its been 2-1/2 years of blood, sweat, and freezing to get the license for the original station. We have only 4 more months to get the station up and running or we'll have to sell the license, and all my work will just go into the toilet. I know; welcome to Evanston. Too bad one can't move a radio station to a more industrious community like say nearby Morgan Utah. Morgan by itself is not a metro area, but one can glean employees and staff from Ogden Utah. I know a dream and mission impossible.
So hopefully one of my friends that works for Coldwell Banker Realty here in Evanston Wyoming, is looking for a place for the station. To him , I say; I need a place for our radio station as bad as you need that starter replaced on your SUV.
Okay then; a few hours ago, I had to go fetch milk, But oh my Dis, trying to get the General JaXson, out of my parking space here at the Wentworth. After shoveling, cussing and smoking my tires I got out. But couldn't management could do a bit better in the snow removal department. I told our manager here, that it needed to be done, but her higher ups couldn't afford it. Apparently the owners of the Wentworth are bleeding for money. I then told her that Nate or I could get this done, nearly for free, but she said no. What might motivate the owners is someone to sue those owners for a burned out transmission due to getting stuck. How hard would it be to haul in some gravel to aid in traction? Some people just don't think.
Any mile, I'm beat.